The Wild (2006)

Started by Anthony, January 19, 2006, 04:19:52 PM

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Get ready...

Familiar, isn't it?  I had really hoped they would try to avoid making this look even more like Madagascar, but apparently they aren't...

It looks quite strange actually.  It's like the animals from Madagascar but made to look like actual, real animals...

Having this film set in New York is good though, the "Madagascar" part of "Madagascar" was awful.

I really hope the fact that Madagascar was rubbish won't ruin the chances of this film.  It's very very strange how both films are so similar though...


I have a feeling this movie may do well, since in college all I've heard for the past 2 weeks has been madagascar jokes, it seems that was a big hit in darlington with the females :lol: , so who knows maybe this will actually do well thanks to looking the same, not like it will I have hardly any hopes for this movie really.


I have to say that this poster appeals more to me than the Madagascar one... But there's a slight chance I'm a bit prejudged ofcoure  :wink:


looks like the same consept as Madagascar too
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

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Quote from: "raptor1982"I have to say that this poster appeals more to me than the Madagascar one... But there's a slight chance I'm a bit prejudged ofcoure  :wink:
LOL!  I know what you mean - when I look at something like this I always have to think to myself:  now do I like this because it looks *good* or because it's *Disney*?  :lol:


Here's the official site & trailer:


Looks nice! But is it just me or does that father searching for his son, sound very familair? (finding nemo)


Phew... the trailer looks pretty good!  And it doesn't remind me too much of Madagascar either.  Just the vicious dog, some of the zoo shots at the beginning and the koala for some reason reminds me of the lemurs...

Anyway... Jorien - you're so right!  This is Finding Nemo with zoo animals in New York!!!  Arrrghh!! Is there no originality left in the world?  :(


Here's the US poster:

I really like it now!  The tagline is great and I much prefer the logo here.  I'm actually really looking forward to this film now!  :D

The Butlin Boy



I've only just realised how strange it is that it's still called "The Wild" in France...  :?

Is this film actually made by Disney's own CGI studio?  For some reason, it doesn't seem like it is... There doesn't seem to be much interest in it, and the whole thing looks very un-Disney.  I've heard more about "Meet The Robinsons" than The Wild...  :?


It really looks sweet.

But, like dlrpfan has already said:
I thinks it looks like a copy of Dreamwork's Madagascar (..or the other way round and they were faster?!?)

There are so many "similarities" between Disney/Pixar Films and other productions, so that I really sometimes ask myself: Are they "stolen"?! (I mean, in general I like the Disney/Pixar-Films more, they've got their own special charme...) Look at

Other Productions   vs  Disney/Pixar
               Antz     vs   A bug's life
      Shark Tale     vs   Findig Nemo
      Madagascar   vs    The Wild

Okay, the stories are sometimes different (f.e. Shark Tale/Nemo), but the settings and stuff are similar, aren't they?!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
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2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Just to quickly answer your question from the Toy Story 3 topic:

Quote from: "Nala_84"Does anyone know more about "The Wild"? This is without Pixar, sin't it?!
Yes, and it's also not being made by Disney.  An outside production studio, whose name I've forgotten (lol), is making the film.  Apparently Disney have a lot of input though (in terms of style, story, etc.), since they're providing the budget.

So if you don't notice as big a marketing "push" as when Chicken Little was released, it's because this isn't one of Disney's key projects, it's more like a small B project they're trying to get everything they can out of.  That's how it looks to me, anyway.

And about the similar concepts between Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks - I think it's entirely coincidental.  The films take 5 years to take, so unlike a live action film where they could pull the plug pretty quick, you can't do that with animation.  I doubt the studios are intentionally copying each other, they wouldn't want to risk the lawsuits.  I think it's more a case that the studios are all using any kind of "theme" for their pictures they can.  Underwater, the jungle, bugs... they're quite strong themes, so if two studios use one for their films then they're compared very quickly against each other.  Finding Nemo couldn't be more different to Shark Tale, but they're compared just because they're set underwater.  Ok, so the similarities between The Wild and Madagascar are a bit bigger... I honestly don't know WHAT happened there!  The Wild has been in production for a long time though.


Apple Trailers have got an exclusive scene from the movie available to watch: ... index.html


I like the style of this movie! From what I've seen so far, it looks better as Chicken Little. It's a shame they don't push it as much as Chicken Little, although I understand it's more like a B-project. I haven't seen an add or comercial so far, so do they really expect "The Wild" to become a hit when nobody has heard of it so far?

By the way; I only saw a "Walt Disney Pictures presents" logo while watching the trailer.